Published Jan 29, 2011
All American Myles Wade Takes The Long Road Home
Dirk Knudsen Editor

Painting By Darcey Knudsen; Portland, Oregon

The Long Road Home
In the 1940's after his death a novel by legendary American writer Thomas
Wolfe was published. It was calledYou Can't Go Home Againand it reflectedthe sentiments of the way many American's view the way we view going home after we have left to conquer the American Dream.
One Journalist, Susan Matt, expressed Wolfe's theme in a way that many ofus view it. Matt says that Wolfes metaphor means that we can not return toour place of origin without being deemed a failure.
People use this as a warning to those who decide to go off chasing their
"A warning to stick it out, to not dare go home and subject themselves to
the prospect of being a failure in the eyes of their family and the friends
of their youth," said Matt.
She is right. We all know that feeling.
But for some home is the best place to be. If we are honest with each other that is true for most of us.
For one young athlete it is time to come home. But he is not worried about
Wolfe's thoughts on the matter. At least not anymore.
All American Myles Wade of Central Catholic High School has already dealt
with being deemed a failure by many.
Myles Wade Joined the Effort to Save Injured Washington HS QB Matthew Newman
In 2007 he fell from the highest ofplatforms as one of the top 50 recruits in the Nation and the Oregon Ducks#1 prospect. Because of his academics he slid to a Junior College inArizona and then out of football as many back home jeered.
His efforts however were more then admirable and there was no quit in him.
Myles has not had a term off since he graduated High School at age 17.
He made his way back to college and has been at Texas Tech the past two
years after being hotly recruited by ex-Tech Coach Mike Leech.
Myles Wade's fall and rebirth as a player has been also his fall and rebirth
as a person. He is humble, selfless, and wiser.
Loosing your Mom to BrainCancer while your chasing your dreams will do that to you. Especiallywhen she is your biggest fan and supporter.
All Roads Lead Home
Myles is going to graduate at Texas Tech in May with his Bachelor of Science. After all the criticism by some that he would wash out in Junior College he has proven them wrong. He in fact will be one of the first recruits in his Class to graduate.
He has overcome adversity that would crush most recruits and most people. In addition to the JC process and loosing his mother Lori he has had an experience at Texas Tech where things were not as they were supposed to be.
Gone are the Coaches who flew the jet to Portland and made promises in the Family home that they could not and would not keep.
As Mike Leech left campus in a storm of negative press in 2009 Wade pressed ahead always leading by example and setting the standards of behavior and dedication for the team.
This past season he was used on and off and had two great starts against Texas and Iowa State where he proved his D1 Status scoring sacks and multiple tackles in both games.
But as the season was ending and he had not been used as much hematurelyasked his coaches why.
Turns out Coach thought he was a Senior; and out of eiligibility. Myles got the drift. They had no plans to use him then or in the future.
Beside all of that Myles knew in his heart that it was time to come home to his family and friends. To his Father Jerry and his little sister Olivia. To the family he left behind just a few days after his mother was buried with the hopes that together they will deal with and reflect upon all that has happened. Together they can grieve as a family and build upon a bond that was always rock solid.
Myles is coming home.
The Dream is Alive
Things will be different. Besides his mom being gone the families home on NE 11th just off of Martin Luther King is gone too.
The Cancer made sure of that.
And there is not nearly as much room at the Wades three Bedroom condo but Myles says that they will all be perfect if their together.
Most of his friends are gone too; only a few still remain.
The media and accolades are gone as are the jeers from those who chided him for not making it to Oregon.
In the Summer Myles will enroll at Portland State University. He will begin work on his Masters degree.
He will enjoy that and he says and will work this Summer, just as he has the past Summers.
He will volunteer with youth sports, the St Judes Childrens Hospital, and other volunteer work for groups dedicated to curing Cancer.
He will also get to take Olivia to the zoo, and to her basketball games, and out for Ice Cream.
Somethings little girls, especially little girls with Downs Syndrome, really love to do.
He will hit some of his favorite places and his old haunts and try and catch a glimpse at the past of the 17 year old that he was. A 17 year old who Wade said he would like to have a heart to heart with if he could.
Myles will go back and help the Central Catholic Rams prepare for a new season as the boys of Friday Night get ready for yet another year. They are good and will have a shot says Wade.
Oh yes and one more thing. He is going to be joining an old aquaintance.
The Circle is Completed
In 2005 Myles went to the Nike NFTC Camp in Palo Alto and set the tone for all the premier big men in the country running a 4.89 40 while weighing over 300 pounds. That touched off a frenzy which led to his first offer. One of over 20 he would have.
"Coach Nigel Burton called me from Oregon State and began to recruit me. I will never forget that. He was great and explained the entire process to me and all. When they offered me I was so excited. It felt right like a place I could call home," said Wade.
Enter the Oregon Ducks, UCLA, Florida, Colorado, The U of W, and many others.
In the end after a Circus like process under the Big Top Wade chose Oregon but never forgot Burton who did not hold Wade's decision against him.
In fact Wade says Burton was one of the only guys that stayed in touch with him to see how he was doing at Junior College.
"One thing I always feel bad about was letting Nigel down and feeling like I was ungrateful towards him and the Beavers. That I have always wanted to change," said Wade.
Well it sounds like he is going to get his chance because Myles Wade will try and do what he can for the rebuilding Vikings. And given his size, speed and ability he can do a whole lot.
He is going to play football for Portland State.
"This season is dedicated to my mom, my sister, and especially my Dad who is incredible. He has held the family together but he needs help. I need to be there for him and have him there for me. He was a big part of getting me here as a player and a person. To have him and Olivia there on Saturdays is going to be special. Football has given and taken alot from me and the family," said Wade.
"This is our season of healing."
Wade sees things through Thomas Wolfe's eyes. He feels that there are people here in Oregon still mad or disillusioned. Still disappointed and spiteful.
But for everyone of those folks he is going to have 20 cheering for him even if he does not know that.
After all one of Oregon's best is coming home battle tested and tempered by the many adversities he has faced.
What Dreams May Come
What about the dream he had to play in the NFL someday?
"It's there... always there right in the back of my head. But guys have it wrong. That dream is equated with the whole D-1 football thing. I have been to the lowestcollegiatefootball level and to the highest. I have played against the Texas Long Horns and the smallest JC team. It's all football and more guys make the league from small colleges then from big ones. Look at Kevin Boss from Western Oregon University or James Harrison from Kent State. If I am going to make it I am going to make it. And I can do that right here at Portland State just fine," he added.
Does he have the talent? Yes. For sure. Wade is 310 pounds and looks lean. His time at Texas Tech has taught him to care for his body and how to develop himself.
Hanging out with Ndamakong Suh, a life long friend, has not hurt either.
Long time family friend and mentor Joe Rollins who also mentored and advised the Suh family from Junior High to present shared his thoughts.
"It makes perfect sense for him to go home. To be with family and friends is a perfect way to end his career. Myles has never been really coached while in college at his position and frankly I don't think he has developed his potential. He is a very special athlete," said Rollins.
Beyond football Rollins sees so much more. "He could have fallen. Any other kid would have fallen through the cracks with half of what he went through. This kid volunteers to others, has no off field issues, and is graduating from a major Texas University. How great is that? Myles is a winner in life. Football is just something he is very good at."
Rollins said Wades games against Texas and Iowa State grade out in the 90's from a Pro perspective and that he has proven he can play with the best taking on double and triple teams from the Nations premier linemen.
The NFL can wait though says Wade. That can all wait.
The Final Drive
Their is a great song by former NFL Great Kyle Turley called "Final Drive". It speaks to that last drive we make in life and on the football field.
We never know when our last down will come.
We have lost some great players and people, like Lori Wade, on and off the field these past few years. Too many times we forget to enjoy each down. Each down on the field and each down in life.
Wade wants to remember them all.
"I remember the first down I had in High School right when the action started. And I remember the first down at Arizona Western too. Same thing for the first one at Texas Tech and I remember them all so well. But this time I will be with Coach Burton and a few good friends and family. I will be with my Dad and my Sister who need me. Need me just like I need them. And my Mom will be there too."
"When that moment of silence just before the snap comes I will praise God for all that he has given to me," said a soulful and mature beyond his years Myles Wade.
When spring comes the season and life itself in Portland will begin anew.
Myles Wade is coming Home.