football Edit

Oregons Best To Head North Once Again

Those of you that have not been to the Northwest Elite Football Camp the past few years will be in for a real treat if you go. Those who have been are going to be pumped up to hear about the new location, the new format, and the increase in Colleges coming out. Now going into it's 7th year the NWEFC was founded by Coach Jason Gesser (former WSU QB) and it took off from day 1. Imagine 160 College Coaches coming out to a camp with upwards of 800 athletes all competing at once on multiple fields
Click Here to view this Link. This Camp is for real. You will learn. You will be seen. You will get your chance! Calling All Players!
That is what the Northwest Elite Football Camp offers- Watch as we talk to founder and C0-Director Cole Morgan about the 2014 Camp and more. The Golden wristband Willie Wonka style sounds all too awesome! Get to this camp! Sign up before all the slots are gone at .
Now Watch This and get ready! This is as good as it gets!